Renowned filmmakers-in-residence conduct creative masterclasses for the Estonian film industry. These masterclasses will open a window onto these filmmakers’ creative principles, working methods and styles of storytelling.
Kick-off to the event series begins with renowned Swedish director Jerzy Sladkowski on 12 June from 12.00 – 13.30 at Tartu Center for Creative Industries. The title of his masterclass is “Shit the brains aka how to reach the heart of the audience?” He has described his masterclass like this:
In the beginning of my filmmaking I was told that the main target for our creation is the human brain. I spent at least two years trying to reach the brains of my audience. Shit the brains, shoot the guts was the next recipe. Nothing has changed. I myself decided to shoot both, the brains and guts, but not very much have changed regardless of my efforts and ambitions. Some people slightly praised my works, but they remained cold. In the meantime I grew up, married for the first time and decided to do something about my filmmaking. By a coincidence I met the master of editing, – a strong personality feared by most of the over creative directors – Agnieszka Bojanowska. Shit the brains, shit the guts, reach the hearts – was her order. She introduced me to a great cameraman Wojciech Staron. This was the real beginning of my filmmaking. I wouldn’t be standing here now If I didn’t meet those two artists on my way.
Reach the hearts. This is my message for this masterclass.
The event is in English and free! Register here by 10 June.