Meet The Auteur at Elektriteater #8.2: Nishtha Jain

08. November, 2022 18:00 |

Tartu Elektriteater

Tartudok2024: Meet The Auteur at Elektriteater is the first Arts of Survival Documentaries event series. This year we are hosting a dozen film directors from Europe in South Estonia, who will bring their best works to Elektriteater. The programme is curated by Arts of Survival Documentaries Artistic Director Kaarel Kuurmaa. Nishtha Jain will show another of his well-known film Gulabi Gang.

18.00 Opening words from the director, followed by the film Gulabi Gang (2012, 96 min)

The films are with English subtitles. The entrance is free!

Gulabi Gang (2012, 96 min)

Enter the badlands of Bundelkhand in central India, and you will encounter a place of desolation, dust and despair. And yet there is hope that we discover as we follow the pink sari-clad women of the Gulabi Gang. These women travel long distances by cart and tractor, bus and train, to wrest justice for women and Dalits, undeterred by sneering policemen and condescending bureaucrats.

Sampat Pal, their leader, is a rough-and-tough woman with a commanding personality. Despite her lack of education, she has evolved her own brand of feminism and egalitarian politics. Her strength lies in her words. She is constantly on the move – today investigating a young woman’s suspicious death, tomorrow protesting against a corrupt official.

The gang encounters resistance everywhere – entire villages connive in protecting the perpetrators of violence. As the film pulls us toward the centre of these blazing conflicts, we uncover a complex story, disturbing yet heartening.

Gulabi Gang premiered at the Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad in June 2012, winning the Golden Chair for Best Documentary.